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Exxonmobil Unsolicited Applications 2015 (Various Positions)

ExxonMobil's subsidiaries in Nigeria hire graduates at all degree levels (Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D.). Ideal candidates should have strong academic credentials coupled with solid, relevant work experience, where applicable. Equally important are soft skills developed through previous leadership and team roles. i.e.
interpersonal effectiveness, communication skills, time management skills, presentation skills, and adaptability.

1.) Human Resources Unsolicited Applications (2015)

Job Description
There are currently no positions open in Human Resources. If you would like to be considered for future openings, please submit your resume to this posting.

2.) Health and Medical Services Unsolicited Applications (2015)

Job Description
There are currently no positions open in Health and Medical services. If you would like to be considered for future openings, please submit your resume to this posting.

3.) Finance Unsolicited Applications (2015)

Job Description
There are currently no positions open in Finance. If you would like to be considered for future openings, please submit your resume to this posting.

4.) Information Technology Services Unsolicited Applications (2015)

Job Description
There are currently no positions open in Information Technology services. If you would like to be considered for future openings, please submit your resume to this posting.

5.) Law Unsolicited Applications (2015)

Job Description 
There are currently no positions open in Law. If you would like to be considered for future openings, please submit your resume to this posting.

6.) Procurement Services Unsolicited Applications (2015)

Job Description 
There are currently no positions open in Procurement services. If you would like to be considered for future openings, please submit your resume to this posting.

7.) Public and Government Affairs Unsolicited Applications (2015)

Job Description 
There are currently no positions open in Public and Government Affairs. If you would like to be considered for future openings, please submit your resume to this posting.

8.) Security Services Unsolicited Applications (2015)

Job Description 
There are currently no positions open in Security services. If you would like to be considered for future openings, please submit your resume to this posting.

9.) Support Operations Unsolicited Applications (2015)

Job Description 
There are currently no vacant positions in Support Operations. If you would like to be considered for future openings, please submit your resume to this posting.

Method of Application
Interested candidates should click here to apply online

Note: Click on 'Search Openings' and click on the 'Search' button to view jobs

Application Deadline: Not specified

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  1. this is not true, they are scammer. if you register you are on your own, all they need is your information and after they are done with you.

    Naijajobsportal please verify all posting job before allow publishing on your site.


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
