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Sales Executives Job at Leadway Assurance Company

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Leadway Assurance Company Limited, a leading Composite Insurance Company in Nigeria requires the services of smart, target driven, matured applicants for the post of Sales Executives

Job Title: Sales Executives

Leadway Assurance Company Limited, a leading Composite Insurance Company in Nigeria requires the services of smart, target driven, matured applicants for the post of marketing executivesLeadway Assurance Company Limited, a leading Composite Insurance Company in Nigeria requires the services of smart, target driven, matured applicants for the post of marketing executives in our Lagos Island branch. - See more at:
Job Details
  • It is a commission based job
  • Applicants must have drive for marketing
  • Prior marketing experience is an advantage

Method of Application
Interested and suitably qualified candidates should send CVs to

Application Deadline: 16th February, 2015

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