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Trainee Millers Recruitment at Honeywell Flour Mills Plc

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Honeywell Flour Mills Plc offers equal opportunity to all prospective employees. The company's policy is to recruit staff of the highest caliber through fair and open processes. As a staff of Honeywell Flour Mills Plc, you will be privileged to work with good
working conditions and the opportunity for continuous development and training.
In return, you are expected to work according to the company's longstanding corporate business principles of dynamism, realism, pragmatism, hard work, honesty and trustworthiness. Career progression in the company is largely performance driven and to some extent dependent on qualifications and experience.

Recruitment of new personnel into the company is done as the need arises. Vacant positions are advertised on this website and in some instances on widely circulated newspapers. Applications are welcomed from candidates in and outside Nigeria. Applicants can only respond to advertised position on line on this website.

Job Title: Trainee Millers

Category: Millers
Reference no: HFM/012/1/002


Ideal Candidates should meet the following requirements:
• not be more than 28 years old;
• possess a Bachelors degree, with at least Second Class Lower grade, or its equivalent in any discipline of Engineering, Food Science and Technology, Agriculture or the Biological Sciences, and
• should ideally have a minimum of 1-2 years working experience in a manufacturing environment.


Successful candidates will undergo intensive local and overseas training in milling operations and qualify as professional millers at the end of their training. During the training period of about three years, they should be able to progressively take responsibility for various sections of the milling operation, including heading a shift in the absence of the Shift Miller.

Interested applicants should click here to apply now

Application Deadline: 18th September, 2012

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