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PhD Scholarship in Energy and Environmental Economics

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The Chair of Economics/Energy Economics (Prof. Sebastian Rausch) is recruiting a new PhD student. Our chair is part of the Centre for Energy Policy and Economics (CEPE), which belongs to the Department of Management, Technology and Economics (D-MTEC) at ETH Zurich.

Our main focus is on applied economic research in the area of energy and environmental economics. We employ and develop dynamic computable general equilibrium models to analyze short- and long-term energy and economic problems. We evaluate energy and climate policy and develop policy guidelines. The successful applicant should hold a Master’s degree in Economics, Mathematics or Physics and have ideally graduated with grades in the top eight percent of their class. A demonstrated interest in the topics of the chair is required. Very good writing and quantitative skills are essential. Fluency in English is required.

The appointment includes the writing of a dissertation in the candidate’s field of interest, under the supervision of Professor Sebastian Rausch and other members of the chair, and providing support for research projects. An integral part of your work is publishing your results in peer-reviewed journals and representing the chair at international conferences. The PhD thesis is to be completed within three to four years. The salary will be in accordance with the regulations of ETH Zurich. Along with your PhD thesis, you are expected to complete the Economics Doctoral Programme at D-MTEC (http://www.cer. n/doc_program). Alternatively, there is the possibility to apply for the Swiss Program for Beginning Doctoral Students in Economics at the Study Center Gerzensee
(http://www.szgerzen doctoral/ swiss-program/).

Application deadline is September 20, 2012, or until the position is filled. We would like to fill the position by November 1st, 2012, or sooner. Please send a cover letter, your CV (including references from prior internships/ job positions and contact information for at least one academic reference), high school and university transcripts, and a 1-2 page research statement. Please send all files electronically in a single PDF file named “PhD application - [Your Name]” and with the same subject name to Rina Fichtl at fichtl[at]ethz. ch.

Application Deadline : 20 September 2012
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