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YOUWIN Youth Empowerment Programme 2012 - Registration Starts

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The Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria (YouWiN!) Programme is a collaboration of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Communication Technology (CT), the Ministry of Youth Development and the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social
Development that  launched an annual Business Plan Competition (BPC) for aspiring young entrepreneurs in Nigeria, in line with the Federal Government's drive to create more jobs for Nigerians. The programme will be implemented in partnership with Nigeria's private sector, who will be requested to provide funding support.

YOUWIN Youth Empowerment Programme 2012 Registration

Objectives of the programme

The main objective of the Youth Enterprise with Innovation in Nigeria (You WiN!) Programme is to generate jobs by encouraging and supporting aspiring entrepreneurial youth in Nigeria to develop and execute business ideas that will lead to job creation. The programme will provide aspiring youth with a platform to show case their business acumen, skills and aspirations to business leaders, investors and mentors in Nigeria.

Specific Objectives of the Programme include to:
  • Attract ideas and innovations from young entrepreneurial aspirants from Universities, Polytechnics, Technical colleges, and other post-Secondary institutions in Nigeria;
  • Provide a one time Equity grant for 1,200 selected aspiring entrepreneurs to start or expand their business concepts and mitigate start up risks;
  • Generate 80,000 to 110,000 new jobs for currently unemployed Nigerian youth over the three years during which the three cycles will be implemented;
  • Provide business training for up to 6,000 aspiring youth entrepreneurs spread across all geo-political zones in Nigeria;
  • Encourage expansion, specialization and spin-offs of existing businesses in Nigeria; and,
  • Enable young entrepreneurs to access a wide business professional network and improve their visibility.
Please Note
  • YouWiN is an equity contribution to your business. It is therefore NOT A LOAN but a grant.
  • Award recipients will be paid according to the needs of the business and specific mile-stones stated in the business plan.
  • Award recipients must be registered with CAC before disbursement of funds even though they do not need to be registered  to apply. YouWiN will support the registration process.
  • Award recipients will operate accounts using their registered companies with any of the participating commercial banks prior to disbursement.
  • Award recipients must sign a grant agreement with the managers of YouWiN before disbursement of funds.
YouWin 2012 Competition Timeline
  • Mon. Sep 3, 2012: Launch of 2012/2013 Edition of the YouWiN! Business Plan Competition tagged "YouWiN! Women".
  • Mon. Sep 3, 2012:  First stage business concept submission starts after launch by President Goodluck Jonathan.
  • Sun. Oct 14, 2012: First stage business concept submission closes. No entries accepted after this date.
  • Mon. Oct 15, 2012: Marking of first stage submission by an International Business School.
  • Fri. Nov 30, 2012: Notification of successful first stage candidates and invitation for training in each state of the nation.
  • Mon. Dec 10, 2012: Training of the 1st set of second stage candidate starts. Trainings will be held in sets on 10 - 21 December 2012 and 2 - 11 January 2013.
  • Mon. Dec 10, 2012: Submission of second stage business plan starts on 10 December 2012 and ends 8 February 2013. Please note that only entries from candidates who attended the training and had their biometrics information collected are eligible and will be reviewed.
  • Fri. Feb 8, 2013: Submission of second stage business plan entries closes. All qualifying candidates must submit their business plans by this date.
  • Mon. Feb 11, 2013: Business plan marking commences with an international business school providing quality assurance.
  • Wed. May 1, 2013: Winners are notified and published on website and major national dailies.

Method of Application
Interested applicants should click here to start registration

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