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Accountants and Account Officers Jobs in a Financial Service Company

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Applicants are invited from oriented candidates to fill vacancies at different levels in a financial related service company. Suitable candidates must posses the followings:

1.) Accountants:

  • A good first degree or HND in any discipline and a qualified member of ICAN or other recognized and reputable accounting bodies.
  • Must have at least minimum of three (3) years working experiences Past experience in a reputable audit firm will be an added advantage
  • Must be familiar with MS-Excel, be very good with reconciliations and be comfortable in multiple currency environments
  • Must have strong analytical skills, sound Financial Accounting experience and readiness to work with tight daily deadlines
  • Must have a proven integrity and honesty

2.) Account Officers
  • At least second class upper or upper credit in accounting, economics or mathematics from a recognized and reputable institution
  • Must be familiar with MS-Excel and internet

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should in the first instance email a well written CV to:

Application Deadline: 8th April, 2013

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