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Truck/Fleet Supervisor Job in a Haulage Company

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Our client is a haulage company that handles up-country logistics in need of energetic young men to work as truck/fleet supervisors.

Truck/Fleet Supervisor (Ref: HTS/01)

Job Type: Full Time
Min Qualification: NCE/OND
Location: Lagos
Job Field: Travel and Logistics
Required Attributes:
Suitable candidates must be presentable, confident and strong, both mentally and physically, to be able to deal with clients as well as drivers. They should also enjoy traveling and be self-motivated.

OND, preferably at the beginning of his one-year IT.

  • Truck supervision for timely delivery of goods
  • Driver supervision to ensure good conduct
  • Fuel control
  • Handling of way bill
  • Basic salary N480,000 pa, excluding trip allowance.
  • Other performance-based add-ons (unspecified)
Method of Application
Interested applicants should send an application with a CV as attachment to using "HTS Application" as mail subject.

Please note that ONLY those candidates with successful applications will be contacted and invited for interview.

Application Deadline: April 19, 2013

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