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Chief Technology Officer Job at Dragnet Solutions

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Dragnet Solutions Limited is a dynamic firm that specializes in the design, development and implementation of people screening solutions that can be deployed in a variety of uses covering both the workplace and the educational arena. Our solutions support the following users: Employers, HR Managers, Recruiters and scholarship Boards,
Examination Bodies

We are recruiting to fill the following job position:

Job Position: Chief Technology Officer

Job Reference: CTO 01
Department: Information Technology

Job Details:    

Position Summary
The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) reports to the CEO and is responsible for establishing the company’s technical vision and leading all aspects of the company’s technology development. The CTO is the company's top technology executive, playing an integral role in the company’s strategic direction, development, and future growth. The role may require the individual to act as project manager on major strategic projects as an when it arises.

Summary Responsibilities

•Lead the planning and execution of technology strategy for technology platforms, partnerships, and external relationships.

•Build and manage a top-flight technology team and oversee research and development, as well as project management.

•Drive software development and product innovation.

•Provide visible leadership for the company within the technology community in Nigeria and abroad.

•Anticipate and react to major technology changes to ensure the maintenance of company leadership in the competitive landscape.

•Establish technical standards and ensure adherence to them for product development and company operations in general.

Detailed Responsibilities
Strategy &Planning

•In partnership with the company’s founders,identify opportunities and risks for delivering the company’s services as a technology solutions business, including identification of competitive services,opportunities for innovation, and assessment of marketplace obstacles and technical hurdles to the business success.

•Identify technology trends and evolving social behaviour that may support or impede the success of the business.

•Evaluate and identify appropriate technology platforms (including web application frameworks and the deployment stack) for delivering the company’s services.

•Lead strategic planning to achieve business goalsby identifying and prioritizing development initiatives and setting time tables for the evaluation, development, and deployment of all technology solutions.

•Participate as a member of the senior management team in establishing governance processes of direction and control to ensure that objectives are achieved, risks are managed appropriately and the organization’s resources are used responsibly, particularly in the areas of client solutions, new software development, office networks, intranet, 3rdparty licensed software, hardware, and telecommunications.

•Mitigate against all possible technology risks around:
  • the availability of requisite technology skills and competence within Dragnet
  • Stability and reliability of our operations
  • Security of our technology infrastructure
  • Data integrity and confidentiality
  • Continuity and disaster recovery
  • Technology obsolesce
•Assess and recommend technologies that support company organizational needs.

•Direct development and execution of an enterprise-wide information security plan that protects the confidentiality,integrity, and availability of the company’s data and servers.

•Direct development and execution of an enterprise-wide disaster recovery and business continuity plan.

Minimum Requirements
  1. A graduate of a reputable university
  2. A minimum of 5 experience as a Programmer/Software Developer
  3. Must be someone who has functioned in a managerial role.
Method of Application
Interested candidates should click here to apply online 

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